Ovulation stimulation
Stimulation, as a rule, begins in the first days of the menstrual cycle. It involves the subcutaneous administration of special drugs that are necessary so that instead of one follicle (as happens in a normal cycle), several grow. The drug is most often injected into the stomach through a very thin needle, the injections are absolutely painless, and donors usually perform them themselves.This preparation for oocyte collection lasts on average 12 days. At this time, it will be necessary to visit the clinic several times so that the doctor can monitor the growth of follicles and adjust the dosage of the drug. Girls, as a rule, do not notice changes in their well-being during the period of stimulation and calmly go about their business. 36 hours before the puncture, another drug is used - a trigger, which is necessary for the final maturation of oocytes.